Sunday, April 3, 2022

Yogasana - Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)

Ashwa sanchalanasana or famous called equestrian pose is an asymmetric posture that involves keeping the spine long and your chest open, integrates the alternate stretching of the legs and mobilizes the pelvis and sacroiliac joint. The asana name comes from sanskrit words ashwa meaning horse, sanchalana meaning stepping movement or marching. 

Ashwa sanchalanasana or equestrian pose


  1. From Uttanasana, place your palms next to your feet, all fingers in line (bend your knees if you need to)
  2. Keep the hands fixed on the mat and do not move it during the rest of suryanamaskar.
  3. Take a big step back with your right foot
  4. Rest your right knee on the mat.
  5. Lengthen the spine, open the chest, and look forward.


  1. It lengthens the spine or extends the column
  2. It helps in stretching quadriceps of the rear leg.
  3. The psoas is lengthened.
  4. The gluteus maximus of the front leg is stretched.
  5. It's dynamic practice provides agility to our body movement and develops asymmetric coordination of legs and hips.

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