Saturday, May 16, 2015

10 Best Ayurvedic Tips for Healthy Living

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Here is how you can teach your body to stay healthy, by following these ayurvedic techniques daily. These tips teaches us the tools of living well and how to correct brewing imbalances through simple changes to daily routines through use of simple treatment protocols.

1. Drink two glasses of warm water as soon as you wake up early in the morning. Add some lemon juice if you'd like. Lemon juice can also help stop nose bleeding

lemon juice in warm water
                                                     Photo by go_nils

2. Go outside for a morning exercise, jogging or even brisk walk would do. Breathe in fresh air everyday.

morning exercise like jogging and walking
                                                 Photo by Randy

3. Apply some oil like jojoba oil to your body and give yourself an oil massage before you take shower. Your body relaxes and feels good. It also aids in blood and lymph circulation through the body.

oil massage
                                                      Pic Courtesy: Vasile

4. Every time you eat, take your time and enjoy the nourishing food.

5. Eat your heavy meal at lunchtime.

meals for lunch
                                                      Pic Courtesy: Steve
6. Keep your body hydrated by sipping warm water every hour throughout the day. This also supports the digestive fire.

7. These days more people are addicted to coffee as caffeine in it acts as an energy boost during work hours. Instead, make tulasi tea as an alternative. This is not only an energy booster but also helps in reducing mental stress.

8. Make sure you always buy the freshest produce, organic whenever possible.

Organic vegetables
                                                     Pic Courtesy: Cutler

9. To wind down your day, spend time with family or friends or spend time relaxing by reading books or listening to soothing music before you go to bed.

bed time stories
                                                             Photo by Julia

10. Create balance in your life as you make choices by following this simple principle of nature: Like increases like, opposites balance.