Thursday, March 31, 2022

Who am I?

beliefThis simple question seems easy to answer at first. However, as soon as I start to think about it, I realize that giving my name or a description of physical appearance does not describe the myriad of thoughts, moods, actions and reactions which comprise myself and my life. Even a description of what I do becomes confusing because, everyday, I wear so many different hats. I may start the day as a husband or a wife. At work I may become a engineer, secretary, a clerk or a teacher. At lunch I may meet a friend and in the evening an acquaintance. Which of these roles that I play is me?

In each role that I play a different facet of my personality emerges. Yet, I am quite aware that my true identity is not defined by the role I play. How can I think of myself? Who am I really? What is needed is something constant, safe and stable. We all know that gradually, over time, the human body is declining. It is not stable or constant. So in yoga while doing meditation instead of this bodily identification, we start with our thoughts. Because thoughts are always there, whatever age we are. Their content may change but our ability to think does not.

Soul is the only form that cannot be destroyed. It is something without any physical dimension. The soul is like a driver and the body is the car. To be in complete control, the driver has to sit in the place where he has access to the controls and also can collect all the necessary information to make decisions. Each thought, leading to words and actions, begins with an impulse from the brain. In Yoga it is considered that the soul is located in the center of the forehead in the vicinity of the brain. This knowledge provides me with a constant point of reference on which to focus my attention.

So, my identity is a soul which is a living, spiritual and eternal being, and all other identities - teacher, engineer, husband, wife and so on are simply different roles which my soul play. In meditation I create an awareness of myself as a soul. This naturally leads to an experience of these peaceful, positive qualities. This is what is called 'soul-consciousness'. In meditation I begin to think about my true identity. I let thoughts about the soul and its qualities fill my mind. Through understanding and experiencing my true qualities, I regain confidence and self-respect and am no longer pushed and pulled by expectation of others. By remaining soul-conscious, I will stay in my true state of peace. This is something which does, of course, take time and patient effort to practice. The reward of practice is enjoyable in itself and the greater benefits will accumulate over time.


When you sit to meditate, choose the quietest place you can find, preferably in a room which you do not use very often. If this isn't possible, sit where the familiar objects around you won't distract your attention. This mental preparation will help your concentration. Start with 10 or 15 min. This will gradually lengthen naturally with experience. Soft or subdued lighting will help.
When you finish meditation, just take a moment to reflect on what you have experienced and note how your mood has changed. This will emphasize your experiences and help you appreciate what you are gaining through meditation. One more suggestion of great benefit is: Don't just meditate when you feel like it. The greatest progress is possible at the time when you really don't want to meditate or when you feel you can't. That's the time when you need to meditate the most.


These thoughts are only a suggestion. Create your own similar thoughts if you prefer. Any thoughts based on the awareness of the self as a soul are valid. Think slowly and aim to experience each thought before moving on.

You should withdraw your attention away from your physical body. You lie behind your eyes in the center of the forehead, an eternal spark of life energy. This energy empowers the body. You are a non-physical being, an eternal soul. You are an actor and your body is simply a costume. You find deep peace and contentment within. Know your true self, an eternal, pure and peaceful soul. You are in the ocean of peace.

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