Sunday, March 27, 2022

The Most Effective Ways To Burn Visceral Fat While Walking

Losing fat around belly is the toughest and the last step in the fat burning process. Many people want to lose belly fat, which is a common health and fitness goal. And, while this is your top priority, you should also concentrate on your visceral fat burn. Visceral fat surrounds your abdominal organs and has serious health consequences if you have a lot of it. Fortunately, visceral fat is easier to eliminate than subcutaneous fat (the stubborn fat located underneath the skin). Aside from eating a high-protein, low-calorie diet, you should engage in regular physical activity. So, to assist you, we've compiled a list of the best ways to increase your visceral fat burn while walking.

Strength training is, of course, a must-do if you want to lose weight. Walking, on the other hand, is an activity that is under-appreciated when it comes to decreasing visceral fat. It's easy to do, low-intensity, and you can do it almost anyplace. This is an excellent method to begin living a healthier lifestyle for those who are currently sedentary.

Here are some tips to help you burn more visceral fat while walking:

1. Walking uphill or hiking


Increasing the difficulty of your walk is one of the most effective strategies to burn more calories. This can be accomplished simply walking up hills in your neighborhood. Look out for hiking trails around in national parks or community parks. You strain your body to work harder when you walk up a hill or on an inclination. You end up using more muscle fibers in the hips and quadriceps, which leads to increased fat burning.
Hike all the way up, and then down. For a beginner, try doing a 5-mile round trip going up and down. For an experienced person, I would suggest doing 10 to 15 mile round trip. 

2. Increasing walking pace


Increasing your walking pace is another strategy to burn more calories and fat. You can increase the speed and do fast/power walking if you're used to walking at a leisurely pace.
Challenge yourself to go a little quicker on your next walk. You may time how long it takes you to walk your normal route and then try to beat it. Alternate intervals of short, brisk walks with your regular speed if you're just getting started and building up your stamina.

3. Holding hand weights or wear weighted vests

walking with hand weights

Holding hand weights while walking is another approach to make your body work harder. Grab a pair of lighter weights (2 to 5 pounds) or wear equivalent weighted vest and walk your usual route with them. You can also work your upper body with workouts like curls and lateral raises if you desire while walking.

4. Doing body weight sumo squats

sumo squats


The good part of this exercise is that there is no special preparation that is required. All you need is your body.

Workout Steps

Step 1

Stand with your feet wider than your shoulder-width.


Point your toes and knees 30 to 45 degrees out to the sides, raise your arms straight out in front for your balance.


Keeping your head up and torso upright, inhale as you squat, making sure to descend at least until your thighs are parallel with the floor.


Hold for a second and return to the starting position. Repeat this for 3 sets with 10-15 reps in each set.

5. Lunges



Have a 12ftX12ft space. Use your own bodyweight

Workout Steps

Step 1

Stand in athletic stance with feet slightly away from each other.


Bring one leg backwards and simultaneously go down in a manner where both your knees create a 90 degree angle. Please ensure that your knee goes as low as possible but not touch the ground. It may hurt your knee by the time you complete all your sets.


Get back to your starting stance by pushing through your leg.


Repeat with other leg. Do 3 sets with 10-12 reps in each set.

6. Pushups



Lie prone on the floor with hands kept at shoulder's width.  Raise your body up off the floor by extending arms with body straight coming to the plank position.

Workout Steps

Step 1

Keeping body straight, lower body to the floor by bending arms. Keep your core tight and glutes squeezed.


Push body up until arms are extended.


Repeat the above steps. Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

7. Bodyweight Dips

Bodyweight dips


Find a strong surface like a bench to rest your palms on. Sit on one side of the bench where you can stretch your legs completely. Place hands on the edge of the bench, straighten your arms, slide rear end off of bench and position heels on the floor with legs straight.

Workout Steps

Step 1

Lower your body by bending arms until your arms are parallel to the ground and you feel a slight stretch is felt in chest and shoulder, or until your rear end touches the floor. Keep your chest tall and core straight while performing this exercise.


Raise your body and repeat. Perform 3 sets in total with each set having 10 to 15 reps.

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