Sunday, April 17, 2022

Yogasana - Chaturanga Dandasana (Plank Pose)

Chaturanga dandasana is also called four-limbed staff pose or plank pose. This basic stance demands careful alignment and isn't just a push-up.

In Chaturanga, you should stimulate muscles from the front to the rear of your body and keep your elbows close to your ribs rather than allowing them to splay outward. In a hover, this permits your chest to stay aloft. To keep stable in the posture, you must also stimulate your legs and arms, as well as activate your abdominals and shoulders. The inclined plane will awake and activate large body muscles of the arms, trunk and legs . It is the only position in the Surya Namaskar where breathing does Kumbaka (retention) in full.

Chaturanga dandasana during suryanamaskar


  1. From Ashwa Sanchalanasana step, bring your left foot next to your right.
  2. Make sure that your wrists are located under your shoulders.
  3. Stretch your palm and fingers
  4. Distribute the weight between hands and feet.
  5. Bring your sternum forward while simultaneously keeping your heels back. Feel your body strong and stretched in two opposite directions
  6. Feel the abdomen active and keep the whole body in a single line (like a board) without the hips rising or falling.
  7. The crown is directed forward and the gaze goes to the ground, a little above in front of the line of your hands.
  8. Try to keep your neck relaxed.
  9. If you have reduced mobility, or are a beginner, you can do this step by placing your knees directly on the ground.


  • It is a strength asana that activates and tones the large muscle groups. It strengthens the abdomen in particular.
  • It teaches us to distribute weight and muscle strength evenly.
  • It tones arms and legs.

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